Offering Exceptional Janitorial Services For Over 15 Years
Serving Edmonton & Surrounding Area
Quotes Are Always Free!
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Our portfolio of customers includes large condo corporations, government municipalities, health care centres, sporting and business associations and much more!
Owner Owned & Operated
Cleaning Extraordinaire was founded by Rhonda Koenig. She is still active in all day to day operations.
Always a Direct Connection
When you work with us you are assigned a manager and provided with their direct cell phone number which you can use to call or text 24/7 with any questions or concerns that may arise. You are never put through to a call centre and you will always deal directly with the same manager.
We Make Mistakes!
We make mistakes and we believe our willingness to admit this helps to encourage our customers to provide immediate and honest feedback. Any concerns or problems are always dealt with within 24 hours, if not sooner! We like to think thats why so many of our customers have been us with for many years - just check out our testimonials!